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HFNY Quality Assurance, Technical Assistance, and FAQs

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Quality Assurance

HFNY Central Administration has a system for providing a quality assurance review to each site and supports each site in assessing model fidelity and improving service quality. CA offers an objective review by well-trained staff on a routine and regular basis. See the Central Administration Policy Manual link for details on how each branch of CA engages in QA with program sites. The following materials are utilized by Central Administration in QA activities.
See the Central Administration Policy Manual for details on how each branch of CA engages in QA with program sites.

The following materials are utilized by Central Administration in QA activities.


OCFS QA Site Visit Tool 2020


QA Protocol for sites (effective 01/2024)
FRS Supervision Observation (7/2022 - 05/2024)
FRS FROG Narrative Review Form (7/2022)
FRS FROG Observation Form (06/2022)
FSS Home Visit Observation (07/2022)
FSS Home Visit Narrative Review Form (02/2023)
FSS Supervision Observation (05/2024)
FRS Supervisor Note Review Form (08/2022)
FSS Supervisor Note Review Form (05/2024)


CHSR QA Activities Calendar (10/18/2023)
Performance Target Manual (03/31/2023)
Performance Indicator pdf (10/2023)

Sample Program QA forms (internal QA)

Sample FRS QA Call Observation - Refusal Call (11/2023)
Digital Binder Review Form (03/2024)
Family File QA Checklist (02/2024)

Technical Assistance

HFNY Central Administration ensures that all sites can access support on a regular basis while prioritizing the needs of programs who may need support more than others due to a variety of situations, such as leadership changes, staff turnover, etc.
Any member of Central Administration may initiate TA support for a program. Likewise, programs may request TA from any member of Central Administration. See the Central Administration Policy Manual for details on how TA support is provided to programs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The everyday practice FAQ has moved

Click the link below to see the FAQ Page
Frequently Asked Questions (Updated 2024-06-17)

COVID-19: HFNY FAQs and Responses

This document answers questions regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on practice.

Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)

HFNY Central Administration (CA) is developing a system for programs to build the capacity to conduct their own independent continuous quality improvement projects annually. The intent to conduct CQI projects is to enhance service delivery to families. See below for resources from CA on how programs can begin their CQI projects.

CA will be hosting a series of workshops to present strategies for implementing CQI. See below for details.

Workshop #1

The first CQI workshop was held on February 15, 2023.

Workshop #2

The second CQI workshop was held on April 20, 2023.

2024 CQI Initiative

2024 CQI initiative kick-off held on February 14, 2024; pre-recorded introductory workshop

"How to do CQI" Workshops

1st workshop in this series, recorded on March 25, 2024. This workshop covers forming a diverse, equitable, and inclusive CQI team.

2nd workshop in this series, recorded on May 29, 2024. This workshop covers selecting a topic & Root Cause Analysis

Additional Resources