Training & Staff Development

Training and Staff Development for Healthy Families New York is provided by Prevent Child Abuse New York's Training and Staff Development Team.
Prevent Child Abuse New York (PCANY) is a private, not-for-profit agency serving all of New York State. Its mission is to prevent child abuse in all its forms, with a focus on community programs and public policies that prioritize prevention right from the start, to make sure child abuse and neglect never occur.
The Training and Staff Development Team prepares HFNY Family Support Specialists (FSS), Family Resource Specialists (FRS), Supervisors, and Program Managers for their roles in the HFNY home visiting program that includes:
- Basic and advanced training.
- Curriculum development.
- On-site quality assurance, site support, and technical assistance.
- The Link, the newsletter for Healthy Families New York.
- Specialized materials to enhance staff development.
- Phone and email consultation to sites as needed.
- Materials on parenting and child development for home visitors and parents. Available in English and Spanish.