Child Development & Health
We know that your baby’s well-being, including their health and development is a priority in your day-to-day life. Below you will find information and suggestions to any number of questions you may have about your child’s health and development.
- Wheezing and Asthma in Infants (Kids Health)
- Kids, Asthma and Second Hand Smoke at Home (American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology)
- Before School Starts, Train all the Brains for Allergies and Asthma (American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology)

Child Development
- Developmental Milestones Checklists (Centers for Disease Control)
- Parenting Favorites (Zero to Three)
- Early Signs of Developmental Disabilities (Centers for Disease Control)
- The Power of Play (Zero to Three)
- Parent's guide to childhood immunizations (Centers for Disease Control)
- Immunization Schedules for Infants and Children (Centers for Disease Control)
- Instant Childhood Immunization Schedule (Centers for Disease Control)
Lead Exposure
- Lead Poisoning Prevention (New York State Department of Health)
- Information for Parents and Caregivers on Preventing Childhood Lead Poisoning (New York State Department of Health)
- Healthy from the Start: How Feeding Nurtures Your Young Child’s Body, Heart, and Mind (Zero to Three)
- WIC information video (New York State Department of Health)

Oral Health
- Infant and Children’s Oral Health (New York State Department of Health)
- Children’s Oral Health (Centers for Disease Control)
- A Primer on Preemies (Kid’s Health)
- Early Arrival: Finding the Magic of Everyday Moments with Your Baby in the NICU (Zero to Three)
- Family Perspectives on Prematurity (Zero to Three)