Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
Healthy Families New York maintains a Management Information System (MIS) to facilitate close attention to continuous quality improvement.
Healthy Families New York uses data collected from individual programs through the MIS to:
- Assess whether the program is being implemented with fidelity to the model (i.e., delivering core program components according to the prescribed schedule and dose).
- Monitor program performance.
- Improve the quality of services provided.
The data allow HFNY to track programs’ progress in achieving several performance targets related to the goals of HFNY. This information is used to develop protocols for program policy and quality improvement activities, and to develop and pilot projects to improve program practice.
To achieve projected outcomes, Healthy Families New York programs work towards 21 goals (Performance Targets) in three domains:

Health and Development: These performance targets include assisting parent/s and baby to get connected to medical providers for prenatal and general medical care, well-baby care, developmental assessments, lead assessments, and scheduled immunizations.

Parent-Child Interaction: These performance targets focus on parents’ early bonding with their baby through activities that celebrate parent-baby interactions thereby developing positive parenting skills. Attention is focused on reducing parental stress, because stress is a risk factor for child abuse and neglect. Stress is measured by the Parental Stress Index, so that reduction of stress can also be measured.

Family Life-Course: These performance targets address family self-sufficiency. Family goals focus on employment, education, and training. Family life-course targets measure receipt of Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), referrals to other services for concrete health and safety needs (i.e., cribs, housing, food, heat) and services for maternal and family health (i.e., mental health, substance abuse, and domestic violence).
All of the performance targets are tracked through data that are entered into the MIS. Reports are generated from the system and analyzed to determine progress. This information is also used to determine areas for improvement and further study. CQI activities occur on a monthly, quarterly, biannual, and annual basis. Activities pertaining to national model accreditation occur every five years.
Continuous Quality Improvement

Program evaluation and quality assurance projects are used to help improve how HFNY is delivered to our families. Data for these projects are collected from participating families and program staff. Information learned from evaluations, pilot projects and performance targets are discussed with administrators and necessary changes are implemented in order to benefit the families we serve. For examples of our recent pilot projects and evaluation activities, please visit our Research to Practice page.